# This BibTeX File has been generated by # the Typo3 extension 'Sixpack-4-T3 by Sixten Boeck' # (customized by Stephan Lange) # # URL: # Date: 01/15/2025 @Article{OWK20, author = {Ortiz, A. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Multi-agent reinforcement learning for energy harvesting two-hop communications with a partially observable system state.}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking}, year = 2020, month = sep, doi = {10.1109/TGCN.2020.3026453} } @Article{UCWVV19, author = {Urco, J. M. and Chau, J. L. and Weber, T. and Vierinen, J. P. and Volz, R.}, title = {{Sparse Signal Recovery in MIMO Specular Meteor Radars With Waveform Diversity}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, year = 2019, volume = {57}, number = {12}, pages = {10088--10098}, month = dec, issn = {1558-0644}, doi = {10.1109/TGRS.2019.2931375} } @Article{UCWL19, author = {Urco, J. M. and Chau, J. L. and Weber, T. and Latteck, R.}, title = {{Enhancing the spatiotemporal features of polar mesosphere summer echoes using coherent MIMO and radar imaging at MAARSY}}, journal = {Atmospheric Measurement Techniques}, year = 2019, volume = {12}, number = {2}, pages = {955--969}, month = feb, url = {https://www.atmos-meas-tech.net/12/955/2019/}, doi = {10.5194/amt-12-955-2019} } @Article{UCMVW18, author = {Urco, J. M. and Chau, J. L. and Milla, M. A. and Vierinen, J. P. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Coherent MIMO to improve aperture synthesis radar imaging of field-aligned irregularities: First results at Jicamarca}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, year = 2018, volume = {56}, number = {5}, pages = {2980--2990}, month = may } @Article{OALWK17, author = {Ortiz, A. and Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Reinforcement learning for energy harvesting decode-and-forward two-hop communications}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking}, year = 2017, volume = {1}, number = {3}, pages = {309--319} } @Article{WW17c, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Optimizing the wireless power transfer over MIMO channels}}, journal = {Advances in Radio Science}, year = 2017, volume = {15}, pages = {181--187} } @Article{ALGKW2016, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Maximizing the sum rate in cellular networks using multi-convex optimization}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications}, year = 2016, volume = {15}, pages = {3199--3211} } @Article{GAKWK13, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and K{\"u}hne, A. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Pair-Aware Interference Alignment in Multi-user Two-way Relay Networks}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication}, year = 2013, volume = {12}, number = {8}, pages = {3662--3671}, month = aug } @Article{WBW12b, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Buch, T. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Parametric Underwater Communication}}, journal = {Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (POMA)}, year = 2012, volume = {17}, pages = {070021}, month = nov } @Article{AW12, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Achieving the Maximum Sum Rate Using D.C. Programming in Cellular Networks}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing}, year = 2012, volume = {60}, number = {3}, pages = {1331--1341}, month = mar } @Article{XW11a, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Cooperative communication with partial channel-state information in multiuser MIMO systems}}, journal = {Archiv f{\"u}r Elektronik und {\"U}bertragungstechnik}, year = 2011, volume = {65}, number = {4}, pages = {349--360}, month = apr, doi = {10.1016/j.aeue.2010.04.005} } @Article{AAC11, author = {Akbudak, T. and Al-Shatri, H. and Czylwik, A.}, title = {{A Cross-Layer Resource Allocation Scheme for Spatial-Multiplexing Based MIMO-OFDMA Systems}}, journal = {EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking}, year = 2011, volume = {67}, doi = {10.1186/1687-1499-2011-67} } @Article{DWA09, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Capacity Optimizing Power Allocation in Interference Channels}}, journal = {International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AE{\"U})}, year = 2009, volume = {63}, number = {2}, pages = {139--147}, month = mar } @Article{khan2008a, author = {Khan, A. and Fricke, J. Ch. and Hoeher, P. A.}, title = {{Throughput improvement by reliability-dependent layer allocation in IDM}}, journal = {IET Electronics Letters}, year = 2008, volume = {44}, number = {16}, pages = {958--960}, month = jul, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?isnumber=4586182&arnumber=4586192}, issn = {0013-5194} } @Article{ANKH08, author = {Ahrens, A. and Ng, S. X. and K{\"u}hn, V. and Hanzo, L.}, title = {{Modulation-mode assignment for SVD-aided and BICM-assisted spatial division multiplexing}}, journal = {Physical Communication}, year = 2008, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {60--66}, month = mar, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=MImg&_imagekey=B8JDV-4RPM7WR-1-68&_cdi=43624&_user=4816616&_orig=browse&_coverDate=03%2F31%2F2008&_sk=999989998&view=c&wchp=dGLbVzW-zSkWz&md5=ae322666870d75bc7218f6d4498e53de&ie=/sdarticle.pdf}, address = {Rostock, Germany} } @Article{WWAD07, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A. and Deng, S.}, title = {{Decentralized interference management in mobile radio networks}}, journal = {Frequenz}, year = 2007, volume = {61}, number = {11/12}, pages = {259--269} } @Article{DWA07, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Capacity Optimizing Power Allocation in Interference Channels}}, journal = {International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU)}, year = 2007 } @Article{WSM06, author = {Weber, T. and Sklavos, A. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Imperfect Channel State Information in MIMO Transmission}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Communications}, year = 2006, volume = {54}, number = {3}, pages = {543--552}, month = mar } @Article{MWK06, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Hybrid localization with temporal post-processing}}, journal = {Frequenz}, year = 2006, volume = {60}, number = {5/6}, pages = {99--102} } @Article{MW04c, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{On the impact of imperfect channel knowledge on transmit zero forcing based receiver oriented multi-user MIMO transmission}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications}, year = 2004 } @Article{WSBBME02, author = {Weber, T. and Schlee, J. and Bahrenburg, S. and Baier, P. W. and Mayer, J. and Euscher, C.}, title = {{A Hardware Demonstrator for TD-CDMA}}, journal = {IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology}, year = 2002, volume = {51}, number = {5}, pages = {877--892}, month = sep } @Article{JBMW02a, author = {J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Baier, P. W. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Subspace Related Signalling of Feedback Information for Low Rank MIMO Channels}}, journal = {Frequenz}, year = 2002, volume = {56}, number = {7/8}, pages = {146--145} } @Article{WOWB02, author = {Weber, T. and Oster, J. and Weckerle, M. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Turbo Multiuser Detection for TD-CDMA}}, journal = {Archiv f{\"u}r Elektronik und {\"U}bertragungstechnik (AE{\"U})}, year = 2002, volume = {54}, number = {2}, pages = {120--130} } @Article{MTWB01a, author = {Meurer, M. and Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Synthesis of Joint Detection (JD) and Joint Transmission (JT) in CDMA Downlinks}}, journal = {IEE Electronics Letters}, year = 2001, volume = {37}, number = {14}, pages = {919--920}, month = jul } @Article{TWMB01b, author = {Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Performance Assessment of Joint Transmission (JT) Multi-User Downlinks with Multi-Element Transmit Antennas}}, journal = {European Transactions on Telecommunications}, year = 2001, volume = {12}, number = {5}, pages = {407--415} } @Article{MBWLP00, author = {Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and Lu, Y. and Papathanassiou, A.}, title = {{Joint transmission: advantageous downlink concept for CDMA mobile radio systems using time division duplexing}}, journal = {IEE Electronics Letters}, year = 2000, volume = {36}, number = {10}, pages = {900--901}, month = may } @InBook{CUWA22, author = {Chau, J. L. and Urco, J. M. and Weber, T. and Aweda, J. O.}, title = {{Atmospheric Radar Imaging Improvements Using Compressed Sensing and MIMO}}, year = 2022, pages = {369--400}, month = oct, editor = {Kutyniok, G. and Rauhut, H. and Kunsch, R. J.}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, booktitle = {Compressed Sensing in Information Processing}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-031-09745-4\_12} } @InBook{GALKW2016, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference alignment aided by non-regenerative relays}}, year = 2016, pages = {327--345}, editor = {Utschick, W.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Cham}, chapter = {14}, booktitle = {Communications in Interference Limited Networks} } @InCollection{WW11b, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference Reduction: Cooperative Communication with Partial CSI in Mobile Radio Cellular Networks}}, year = 2011, pages = {199--214}, editor = {Rohling, H.}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, chapter = {5.4}, booktitle = {OFDM Concepts for Future Communication Systems}, isbn = {978-3-642-17495-7} } @InCollection{WW11c, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink Decentralized Joint Detection}}, year = 2011, pages = {94--108}, editor = {Marsch, P. and Fettweis, G. P.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, chapter = {6.2}, booktitle = {Coordinated Multi-Point in Mobile Communications}, isbn = {978-1-107-00411-5} } @InCollection{ZTWPJ11, author = {Zirwas, W. and Thiele, L. and Weber, T. and Palleit, N. and Jungnickel, V.}, title = {{Channel Estimation for CoMP}}, year = 2011, pages = {193--208}, editor = {Marsch, P. and Fettweis, G. P.}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, address = {Cambridge}, chapter = {9.1}, booktitle = {Coordinated Multi-Point in Mobile Communications}, isbn = {978-1-107-00411-5} } @InCollection{ZKJSWAH07, author = {Zirwas, W. and Kim, J. H. and Jungnickel, V. and Schubert, M. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A. and Haardt, M.}, title = {{Distributed Organization of Cooperative Antenna Systems}}, year = 2007, pages = {279--312}, editor = {Hu, H. and Zhang, Y. and Luo, J.}, publisher = {Auerbach Publications}, address = {Boca Raton}, booktitle = {Distributed Antenna Systems: Open Architecture for Future Wireless Communications}, isbn = {1-4200-4288-2} } @InCollection{WMMZ05, author = {Weber, T. and Maniatis, I. and Meurer, M. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{Performance Investigation of Improved Channel Estimation Exploiting Long Term Channel Properties}}, year = 2005, pages = {231--238}, note = {Proc. 5rd International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS 2005)}, editor = {Fazel, Khaled and Kaiser, Stefan}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, booktitle = {Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum \& Related Topics} } @InCollection{BJMWWTLO04, author = {Baier, P. W. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Weckerle, M. and Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Lu, Y. and Oster, J.}, title = {{Recent Progress in Time Slotted CDMA}}, year = 2004, pages = {121--164}, editor = {Ma, Jian-Guo}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin}, chapter = {5}, booktitle = {Third Generation Communication Systems} } @InCollection{MWW03, author = {Maniatis, I. and Weber, T. and Weckerle, M.}, title = {{Eploiting A-Priori Information for Channel Estimation in Multiuser OFDM Mobile Radio Systems}}, year = 2003, pages = {235--242}, month = dec, note = {Proc. 4th International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS 2003)}, editor = {Fazel, Khaled and Kaiser, Stefan}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum for Future Generation Wireless Systems} } @InCollection{SWCHS02, author = {Sklavos, A. and Weber, T. and Costa, E. and Haas, H. and Schulz, E.}, title = {{Joint Detection in Multi-Antenna and Multi-User OFDM Systems}}, year = 2002, pages = {191--198}, month = feb, note = {Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS 2001)}, editor = {Fazel, Khaled and Kaiser, Stefan}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Dordrecht}, booktitle = {Multi-Carrier Spread-Spectrum \& Related Topics} } @InCollection{BWW99, author = {Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and Weckerle, M.}, title = {{Spreading techniques, a far-reaching technology}}, year = 1999, pages = {1--22}, note = {Proc. IEEE 5th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'98)}, editor = {Swarts, Francis and van Rooyan, Pieter and Oppermann, Ian and L{\"o}tter, Michiel P.}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers}, address = {Boston}, chapter = {1}, booktitle = {CDMA-Techniques for Third Generation Mobile Systems} } @InProceedings{OWK19, author = {Ortiz, A. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Resource allocation in energy harvesting multiple access scenarios via combinatorial learning}}, year = 2019, month = jul, address = {Cannes, France}, booktitle = {IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)}, doi = {10.1109/SPAWC.2019.8815452} } @InProceedings{OWK18, author = {Ortiz, A. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{A two-layer reinforcement learning solution for energy harvesting data dissemination scenarios}}, year = 2018, pages = {6648--6652}, month = apr, address = {Calgary, AB, Canada}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'18)} } @InProceedings{WW17d, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{An Information Theoretical Analysis of Self-Demodulating Waveform Channels}}, year = 2017, pages = {7--12}, month = aug, address = {Bologna, Italy}, booktitle = {14th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS)} } @InProceedings{WW17b, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{On the experimental validation of parametric transmission systems}}, year = 2017, pages = {1003--1006}, month = mar, address = {Kiel}, booktitle = {German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)} } @InProceedings{WW17a, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Asymptotically tight capacity bounds for a class of memoryless nonlinear AWGN channels}}, year = 2017, pages = {1--6}, month = feb, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {11th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding} } @InProceedings{LOAKW17, author = {Li, X. and Ortiz, A. and Al-Shatri, H. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Delay-constrained data transmission for energy harvesting transmitter}}, year = 2017, pages = {1--6}, month = feb, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {11th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding} } @InProceedings{WW16a, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Asymptotically tight capacity bounds for parametric underwater communications}}, year = 2016, pages = {1--5}, month = jul, address = {Edinburgh, United Kingdom}, booktitle = {17th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)} } @InProceedings{OALWK2016, author = {Ortiz, A. and Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Reinforcement learning for energy harvesting point to point communications}}, year = 2016, pages = {1--6}, month = may, address = {Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'16)} } @InProceedings{WW16b, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Parameter Identification for a Nonlinear Point-to-Point Model in the Context of Parametric Transductions}}, year = 2016, month = mar, address = {Aachen, Germany}, booktitle = {German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)} } @InProceedings{LPKW2016, author = {Li, X. and Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{An interference management scheme using partial CSI for partially connected cellular networks}}, year = 2016, pages = {1--7}, month = mar, address = {Munich}, booktitle = {International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'16)} } @InProceedings{PLWK2015, author = {Papsdorf, D. and Li, X. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Interference alignment in partially connected multi-user two-way relay networks}}, year = 2015, pages = {708--713}, month = aug, address = {Hong Kong}, booktitle = {IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC)} } @InProceedings{LPKW2015, author = {Li, X. and Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{An interference alignment scheme using partial CSI for large partially connected relay networks}}, year = 2015, pages = {601--605}, month = aug, address = {Br{\"u}ssel}, booktitle = {12th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'15)} } @InProceedings{OAWK2015, author = {Ortiz, A. and Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Throughput maximization in two-hop energy harvesting communications}}, year = 2015, pages = {291--295}, month = aug, address = {Br{\"u}ssel}, booktitle = {12th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'15)} } @InProceedings{SW15b, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink-downlink channel transformation using an adaptive Kalman-filter for multicarrier systems}}, year = 2015, pages = {465--469}, month = jun, address = {Stockholm}, booktitle = {16th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications} } @InProceedings{WW15b, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Capacity-Achieving Input for Parametric Underwater Communications}}, year = 2015, month = may, booktitle = {Proc. OCEANS'15 MTS/IEEE Genova} } @InProceedings{WW15a, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Study of the Directivity of Parametric Arrays}}, year = 2015, month = mar, address = {N{\"u}rnberg, Germany}, booktitle = {German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA)} } @InProceedings{SW15a, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Channel prediction using an adaptive Kalman filter}}, year = 2015, month = mar, address = {Ilmenau}, booktitle = {International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'15)} } @InProceedings{LAGPKW2015, author = {Li, X. and Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink-downlink duality of interference alignment in cellular relay networks}}, year = 2015, month = feb, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {10th International ITG Conference on Systems, Communications and Coding (SCC'2015)} } @InProceedings{PKLW2015, author = {Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A. and Li, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference alignment for high rate transmission in partially connected multi-user two-way relay networks}}, year = 2015, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {25. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{LWPK2015, author = {Li, X. and Weber, T. and Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A.}, title = {{A relay-aided interference alignment scheme using partial CSI}}, year = 2015, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {25. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{SW14d, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink-Downlink Transformation of the Channel Transfer Function for OFDM Systems}}, year = 2014, pages = {185--190}, month = aug, address = {Essen}, booktitle = {18th International OFDM Workshop (InOWo'14)} } @InProceedings{LAGPKW2014, author = {Li, X. and Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Papsdorf, D. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Relay-Aided Interference Alignment for Multiple Partially Connected Subnetworks}}, year = 2014, pages = {121--125}, month = aug, address = {Barcelona}, booktitle = {11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'14)} } @InProceedings{PGLWK2014, author = {Papsdorf, D. and Ganesan, R. S. and Li, X. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Combining Interference Alignment and Two-Way Relaying in Partially Connected Networks with only Local CSI}}, year = 2014, pages = {229--234}, month = aug, address = {Barcelona}, booktitle = {11th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'14)} } @InProceedings{WW14b, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Comparison of Modulation Techniques for Parametric Underwater Communications}}, year = 2014, pages = {1443--1448}, month = jun, address = {Rhodes, Greek}, booktitle = {International Conference and Exhibition on Underwater Acoustic (UA2014)} } @InProceedings{SW14a, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{TDOA/AOD/AOA Localization in NLOS Environments}}, year = 2014, pages = {6568--6572}, month = may, address = {Florenz}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'14)} } @InProceedings{WW14a, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{A Grey-Box Modelling Approach for the Nonlinear Parametric Channel}}, year = 2014, pages = {4327--4331}, month = may, address = {Florenz}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'14)} } @InProceedings{GALWK14, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Multi-Group Multi-Way Relaying with Reduced Number of Relay Antennas}}, year = 2014, pages = {2733--2737}, month = may, address = {Florenz}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'14)} } @InProceedings{SW14b, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Localization in NLOS Environments using TOA, AOD, and Doppler-Shift}}, year = 2014, month = mar, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {11th Workshop on Positioning Navigation and Communication (WPNC'14)} } @InProceedings{SW14c, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Robust Cooperative Localization in mixed LOS and NLOS Environments using TOA}}, year = 2014, month = mar, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {11th Workshop on Positioning Navigation and Communication (WPNC'14)} } @InProceedings{ALGKW13b, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Multi-Convex Optimization for Sum Rate Maximization in Multiuser Relay Networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {1327--1331}, month = sep, address = {London, UK}, booktitle = {Proc. 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'13)} } @InProceedings{LAGKW13b, author = {Li, X. and Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference Alignment Aided by Locally Connected Relays}}, year = 2013, pages = {517--521}, month = aug, address = {Ilmenau}, booktitle = {Proc. 10th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'13)} } @InProceedings{GAWK13a, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Relay-aided interference alignment for bidirectional communications in multi-pair multi-relay networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {66--70}, month = jun, address = {Darmstadt, Germany}, booktitle = {Proc. 14th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC'13)} } @InProceedings{WW13, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Constellation-Constrained Capacities for Parametric Underwater Communication}}, year = 2013, pages = {1--7}, month = jun, address = {Bergen}, booktitle = {Proc. OCEANS'13 MTS/IEEE Bergen} } @InProceedings{GAWK13b, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Iterative MMSE filter design for multi-pair two-way multi-relay networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {5929--5933}, month = jun, address = {Budapest}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'13)} } @InProceedings{ALGKW13, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Li, X. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Closed-Form Solutions for Minimizing Sum MSE in Multiuser Relay Networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {1--5}, month = jun, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'13-Spring)} } @InProceedings{LAGKW13, author = {Li, X. and Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Feasibility Conditions for Relay-Aided Interference Alignment in Partially Connected Networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {1--3}, month = jun, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'13-Spring)} } @InProceedings{SW13, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Posterior CRLB for Tracking a Mobile Station in NLOS Multipath Environments}}, year = 2013, pages = {5175--5179}, month = may, address = {Vancouver}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'13)} } @InProceedings{GLAWK13, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Le, H. Q. and Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Closed form solution and SNR maximization for interference alignment in multi-pair two-way relay networks}}, year = 2013, pages = {3414--3419}, month = apr, address = {Shanghai}, booktitle = {IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'13)} } @InProceedings{GAWK12, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Cooperative Zero Forcing in Multi-Pair Multi-Relay Networks}}, year = 2012, pages = {1740--1745}, month = sep, address = {Sydney}, booktitle = {23rd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'12)} } @InProceedings{AGKW12a, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Perfect Versus Imperfect Interference Alignment Using Multiple MIMO Relays}}, year = 2012, pages = {679--680}, month = aug, address = {Paris, France}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 9th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'12)} } @InProceedings{SW12, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Discrete Position Processing Techniques for Indoor NLOS Localization}}, year = 2012, pages = {631--635}, month = aug, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {Proc. 9th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'12)} } @InProceedings{WBW12, author = {Wiedmann, K. and Buch, T. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Parametric Underwater Communication}}, year = 2012, pages = {1378--1385}, month = jul, address = {Edinburgh}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 11th European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA '12)} } @InProceedings{PW12a, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Time and Frequency Prediction of the Channel Transfer Functions in Multiple Antenna Systems}}, year = 2012, pages = {1059--1063}, month = apr, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications \& Networking Conference (WCNC'12)} } @InProceedings{AGKW12, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Ganesan, R. S. and Klein, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference Alignment Using a MIMO Relay and Partially-Adapted Transmit/Receive Filters}}, year = 2012, pages = {459--464}, month = apr, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications \& Networking Conference (WCNC'12)} } @InProceedings{SFW12, author = {Shikur, B. Y. and Farmani, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{TOA/AOA/AOD-based 3-D Mobile Terminal Tracking in NLOS Multipath Environment}}, year = 2012, pages = {201--205}, month = mar, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. Joint 9th Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2012 (WPNC'12)} } @InProceedings{PW12b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Channel Prediction in Multiple Antenna Systems}}, year = 2012, pages = {1--7}, month = mar, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {International ITG Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'12)} } @InProceedings{AW11, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Interference Alignment Aided by Non-Regenerative Relays for Multiuser Wireless Networks}}, year = 2011, pages = {271--275}, month = nov, address = {Aachen, Germany}, booktitle = {Proc. of The 8th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'11)} } @InProceedings{WPW11, author = {Wei, X. and Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{AOD/AOA/TOA-based 3D Positioning in NLOS Multipath Environments}}, year = 2011, pages = {1294--1298}, month = sep, address = {Toronto, Kanada}, booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11)} } @InProceedings{PW11b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Prediction of Frequency Selective SIMO Channels}}, year = 2011, pages = {1433--1437}, month = sep, address = {Toronto, Kanada}, booktitle = {22nd IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'11)} } @InProceedings{AW11b, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Globally Optimizing Power Allocation for Maximum Sum-Rate in OFDM-based Systems}}, year = 2011, pages = {26--30}, month = aug, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {Proc. of the 16th International OFDM-Workshop 2011 (InOWo'11)} } @InProceedings{GWK11, author = {Ganesan, R. S. and Weber, T. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Interference Alignment in Multi-User Two Way Relay Networks}}, year = 2011, pages = {1--5}, month = may, address = {Budapest}, booktitle = {IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'11 Spring)} } @InProceedings{PW11, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Time prediction of non flat fading channels}}, year = 2011, pages = {2752--2755}, month = may, address = {Prague}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'11)} } @InProceedings{XW10c, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Joint Localization of Mobile Stations and Scatterers in Multipath Environments}}, year = 2010, month = oct, address = {Rostock, Germany}, booktitle = {16. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe "Angewandte Informationstheorie"} } @InProceedings{AW10c, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Distributed Power Allocation in Interference Channels}}, year = 2010, month = oct, address = {Rostock, Germany}, booktitle = {16. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe "Angewandte Informationstheorie"} } @InProceedings{PW10b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Channel Prediction in Point-to-Point MIMO-Systems}}, year = 2010, pages = {91--95}, month = sep, address = {York, UK}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS'10)} } @InProceedings{XW10b, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Information-theoretic View on Cooperative Communication}}, year = 2010, pages = {81--85}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 15th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'10)} } @InProceedings{AW10b, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Optimizing Power Allocation in Interference Channels Using D.C. Programming}}, year = 2010, pages = {360--366}, month = jun, address = {Avignon, France}, booktitle = {Proc. 6th Workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks (RAWNET2010)} } @InProceedings{PW10, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Frequency Prediction of the Channel Transfer Function in Multiple Antenna Systems}}, year = 2010, pages = {244--250}, month = feb, address = {Bremen}, booktitle = {Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'10)} } @InProceedings{AW10, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Fair Power Allocation for Sum-Rate Maximization in Multiuser OFDMA}}, year = 2010, pages = {350--354}, month = feb, address = {Bremen}, booktitle = {Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'10)} } @InProceedings{Ellenbeck09, author = {Ellenbeck, J. and Al-Shatri, H. and Hartmann, C.}, title = {{Performance of Decentralized Interference Coordination in the LTE Uplink}}, year = 2009, month = sep, address = {Anchorage, Alaska, USA}, booktitle = {In IEEE 70th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC-2009 Fall)} } @InProceedings{APW09, author = {Al-Shatri, H. and Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Transmitter Power Allocation for Optimizing Sum Capacity in Interference Channels}}, year = 2009, pages = {73--77}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {Proc. 14th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'09)} } @InProceedings{KKWW09, author = {K{\"u}hne, A. and Klein, A. and Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Consideration of signaling overhead in adaptive Multi-user OFDMA/TDD systems}}, year = 2009, pages = {118--122}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {Proc. 14th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'09)} } @InProceedings{PW09b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Obtaining Transmitter Side Channel State Information in MIMO FDD Systems}}, year = 2009, pages = {2439--2443}, month = sep, address = {Tokyo, Japan}, booktitle = {Proc. 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium (PIMRC'09)} } @InProceedings{PW09c, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Predicition of the Channel Transfer Function}}, year = 2009, month = sep, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {Workshop Selbstorganisierende Sensor- und Datenfunknetze} } @InProceedings{WWWS09, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Wolfgang, A. and Seifi, N.}, title = {{Joint Transmission with Significant CSI in the Downlink of Distributed Antenna Systems}}, year = 2009, pages = {1--6}, month = jun, address = {Dresden, Germany}, booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'09)} } @InProceedings{WWKK09, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and K{\"u}hne, A. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Joint Transmission with Imperfect Partial Channel State Information}}, year = 2009, pages = {1--5}, month = apr, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, booktitle = {IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'09-Spring)} } @InProceedings{Wei2009a, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Partial Channel-State Information in Multiuser MIMO Cooperative Transmission}}, year = 2009, month = mar, address = {Rostock}, booktitle = {Proc. 13. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe "Angewandte Informationstheorie"} } @InProceedings{Pal09, author = {Palleit, N.}, title = {{Sum Rate Maximization in Interference Channels}}, year = 2009, month = mar, address = {Rostock}, booktitle = {Proc. 13. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe "Angewandte Informationstheorie"} } @InProceedings{Palleit2009b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Sendeleistungsanpassung bei Kan{\"a}len mit Interferenzen}}, year = 2009, month = feb, address = {Erlangen}, booktitle = {Proc. DFG-Kolloqium: Techniken, Algorithmen und Konzepte f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige COFDM Systeme (Take OFDM)} } @InProceedings{WW08, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{MMSE Detection based on Noise Statistics with Random Noise Variance}}, year = 2008, month = sep, annotation = {21.-24.09.2008}, address = {Calgary, Canada}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'08-Fall)} } @InProceedings{WWKK08, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and K{\"u}hne, A. and Klein, A.}, title = {{Optimum MMSE Detection with Correlated Random Noise Variance in OFDM Systems}}, year = 2008, pages = {138--142}, month = aug, annotation = {27.-28.08.2008}, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08)} } @InProceedings{KKWW08, author = {K{\"u}hne, A. and Klein, A. and Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Transmit Antenna Selection with imperfect CQI feedback in Multi-user OFDMA systems}}, year = 2008, pages = {256--260}, month = aug, annotation = {27.-28.08.2008}, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08)} } @InProceedings{PW08, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Frequency Shift of the Channel Impulse Response in MIMO-FDD-Systems}}, year = 2008, month = jun, address = {Trondheim}, booktitle = {1st COST2100 Workshop "MIMO and Cooperative Communications"} } @InProceedings{DWA08, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Power Allocation in Service Area Interference Channels}}, year = 2008, month = feb, address = {Darmstadt}, booktitle = {Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'08)} } @InProceedings{AKW08, author = {Ahrens, A. and K{\"u}hn, V. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Iterative Detection for Spatial Multiplexing with Adaptive Power Allocation}}, year = 2008, month = jan, address = {Ulm, Germany}, booktitle = {7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding} } @InProceedings{PW07b, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Untersuchungen zur Kanalsch{\"a}tzung durch Ausnutzen langzeitstatistischer r{\"a}umlicher Eigenschaften von MIMO-Funkkan{\"a}len}}, year = 2007, month = oct, address = {Rostock, Germany}, booktitle = {Tagungsband des 12. Symposiums Maritime Elektrotechnik, Elektronik und Informationstechnik} } @InProceedings{AW07, author = {Ahrens, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Lokalisieren unter explizitem Ber{\"u}cksichtigen von Streuern}}, year = 2007, month = oct, address = {Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany}, booktitle = {10. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{PW07a, author = {Palleit, N. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink-Downlink-Transformation of the Channel Impulse Response in FDD-Systems}}, year = 2007, month = sep, address = {Duisburg, Germany}, booktitle = {COST 2100 TD(07)329} } @InProceedings{WWA07, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Decentralized Signal Processing for Intercell Interference Cancellation with Partial CSI}}, year = 2007, pages = {316--320}, month = aug, address = {Hamburg, Germany}, booktitle = {12th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'07)} } @InProceedings{ALKW07, author = {Ahrens, A. and Lange, C. and K{\"u}hn, V. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Optimal Power Allocation in SVD Equalized Multicarrier Systems}}, year = 2007, month = jun, address = {Glasgow, UK}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)} } @InProceedings{AWWD07, author = {Ahrens, A. and Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Deng, S.}, title = {{A novel decentralized MIMO-OFDM uplink detection scheme}}, year = 2007, month = mar, address = {Wien}, booktitle = {Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'07)} } @InProceedings{WAD07, author = {Weber, T. and Ahrens, A. and Deng, S.}, title = {{Decentralized Interference Cancellation in Mobile Radio Networks}}, year = 2007, month = mar, address = {Hong Kong}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE Wireless Communications \& Networking Conference (WCNC'07)} } @InProceedings{DWA06, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Interference Statistics in the Downlink of Service Area Based Mobile Radio Networks}}, year = 2006, pages = {31--35}, month = aug, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 11th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'06)} } @InProceedings{WABD06, author = {Weber, T. and Ahrens, A. and Buch, T. and Deng, S.}, title = {{Exploiting Second Order Statistics in MIMO Channel Estimation}}, year = 2006, month = jun, address = {Myconos}, booktitle = {Proc. 2006 IST Summit} } @InProceedings{PAL06, author = {Palleit, N. and Ahrens, A. and Lange, C.}, title = {{Transmit Power Allocation in SVD-equalized Broadband MIMO Transmission Systems}}, year = 2006, month = jan, address = {New York (USA)}, booktitle = {International Conference on Advances in the Internet, Processing, Systems and Interdisciplinary Research (IPSI)} } @InProceedings{WDM05, author = {Weber, T. and Deng, S. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Dynamic Resource Allocation in JOINT}}, year = 2005, pages = {270--274}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 10th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'05)} } @InProceedings{WM05a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Advanced Channel Estimation Exploiting Second Order Statistics}}, year = 2005, month = jun, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. 2005 IST Summit} } @InProceedings{WM05b, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Temporal Post-Processing of Position Estimates}}, year = 2005, month = jun, address = {Leuven}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(05)079} } @InProceedings{MW05, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Receiver Orientation in Mulit-User MIMO Systems - A Promising Alternative for Future Mobile Radio}}, year = 2005, month = may, address = {Cape Town}, booktitle = {Proc. 12th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'05)} } @InProceedings{WMZ05b, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{Improved Channel Estimation Exploiting Long Term Channel Properties}}, year = 2005, month = may, address = {Cape Town}, booktitle = {Proc. 12th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'05)} } @InProceedings{MHWABM05, author = {Meurer, M. and Heilmann, S. and Weber, T. and Abdellaoui, S. and Baier, P. W. and Maurer, J.}, title = {{Signature based localization using multi antennas and space-time subspace matching}}, year = 2005, month = apr, address = {Duisburg}, booktitle = {Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas} } @InProceedings{WM05c, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Temporal Post Processing of Position Estimates based on Hidden Markoff Models}}, year = 2005, month = apr, address = {Aachen}, booktitle = {Proc. 5. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{ZSWL05, author = {Zirwas, W. and Schulz, E. and Weber, T. and Liu, Y.}, title = {{Deployment Considerations for Cellular Multihop Networks}}, year = 2005, month = apr, address = {Nicosia}, booktitle = {Proc. 11th European Wireless Conference} } @InProceedings{MHRWB05, author = {Meurer, M. and Heilmann, S. and Reddy, D. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{A signature based localization technique relying on covariance matrices of channel impulse responses}}, year = 2005, month = mar, address = {Hannover}, booktitle = {Proc. Joint 2nd Workshop on Positioning, Navigation and Communication 2005 (WPNC'05) \& 1st Ultra-Wideband Expert Talk (UET'05)} } @InProceedings{WMZ05a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{Subspace Based Channel Estimation}}, year = 2005, month = jan, address = {Bologna}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(05)004} } @InProceedings{DWM05a, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Dynamische Ressourcenvergabe in Service-Area basierten Szenarien}}, year = 2005, address = {Karlsruhe}, booktitle = {Proc. DFG-Kolloqium: Techniken, Algorithmen und Konzepte f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige COFDM Systeme (Take OFDM)} } @InProceedings{DWM05b, author = {Deng, S. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Dynamic Resource Allocation in Future OFDM Based Mobile Radio Systems}}, year = 2005, pages = {27--37}, address = {Kaiserslautern}, booktitle = {Proc. 6. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{HWM05, author = {Hahn, J. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Receiver Oriented FEC Coding}}, year = 2005, pages = {38--43}, address = {Kaiserslautern}, booktitle = {Proc. 6. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{LW05, author = {Liu, Y. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Uplink performance investigations of the service area based beyond 3G system JOINT}}, year = 2005, volume = {3}, pages = {253--258}, address = {Kleinheubach}, booktitle = {Kleinheubacher Berichte} } @InProceedings{QMWB05, author = {Qiu, W. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Ein CDMA-basiertes Systemkonzept zur leistungssparenden nichtlinearen empf{\"a}ngerorientierten {\"U}bertragung in Mobilfunkabw{\"a}rtstrecken}}, year = 2005, address = {Karlsruhe}, booktitle = {Proc. DFG-Kolloqium: Adaptivit{\"a}t in heterogenen Kommunikationsnetzen mit drahtlosem Zugang} } @InProceedings{WM05d, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Temporal Post-Processing of Position Estimates Exploiting Markoff Models}}, year = 2005, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Proc. 16th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'05)} } @InProceedings{MWQ04b, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Qiu, W.}, title = {{A random matrix approach to performance evaluation of receiver-oriented transmission}}, year = 2004, month = oct, address = {Kiel}, booktitle = {Proc. 4. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{JBMHWM04, author = {J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Baier, P. W. and Meurer, M. and Heilmann, S. and Weber, T. and Maurer, J.}, title = {{Reduced complexity signature based mobile terminal location relying on the knowledge of directional channel impulse responses}}, year = 2004, volume = {5}, pages = {3550--3554}, month = sep, address = {Los Angeles}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall)} } @InProceedings{LWZ04, author = {Liu, Y. and Weber, T. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{Uplink Performance of a Service Area Based Multiuser Mobile Radio System}}, year = 2004, pages = {17--21}, month = sep, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. 9th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'04)} } @InProceedings{MBWJH04b, author = {Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Heilmann, S.}, title = {{SPIDER: Enhanced distance based localization of mobile radio terminals}}, year = 2004, volume = {5}, pages = {3521--3525}, month = sep, address = {Los Angeles}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall)} } @InProceedings{WMZ04a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{Low Complexity Energy Efficient Joint Transmission for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks}}, year = 2004, volume = {2}, pages = {1095--1099}, month = sep, address = {Barcelona}, booktitle = {Proc. 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'04)} } @InProceedings{WM04a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Imperfect Channel State Information in MIMO-Transmission}}, year = 2004, volume = {2}, pages = {693--697}, month = may, address = {Milan}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Spring)} } @InProceedings{WMZ04b, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Zirwas, W.}, title = {{A MIMO based OFDM system concept for beyond 3G mobile radio systems}}, year = 2004, month = may, address = {Gothenburg}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(04)084} } @InProceedings{WM04c, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{An information theory based approach to localization}}, year = 2004, month = apr, address = {Ulm}, booktitle = {Proc. 3. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{SWWM04, author = {Schulz, E. and Weckerle, M. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{The OFDM based beyond 3G air interface JOINT featuring interference reduction by joint detection and joint transmission}}, year = 2004, month = feb, address = {Beijing}, booktitle = {Proc. 8th WWRF Meeting} } @InProceedings{MW04a, author = {Maniatis, I. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Channel Estimation with Array Antennas in OFDM based Mobile Radio Systems}}, year = 2004, month = jan, address = {Athens}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(04)009} } @InProceedings{MW04b, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Imperfect channel knowledge: An insurmountable barrier in Rx oriented multi-user MIMO transmission?}}, year = 2004, pages = {371--379}, month = jan, address = {Erlangen}, booktitle = {Proc. 5th ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC'04)} } @InProceedings{WM04b, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks}}, year = 2004, month = jan, address = {Athens}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(04)008} } @InProceedings{MBWJH04a, author = {Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Heilmann, S.}, title = {{Smart Position Identification Rationale (SPIDER), an enhanced distance based conception for locating mobile radio terminals}}, year = 2004, pages = {53--58}, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {Proc. VDE-Kongress 2004} } @InProceedings{MWQ04a, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Qiu, W.}, title = {{Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing: Energy Efficient Receiver Oriented Transmission in MIMO CDMA Mobile Radio Downlinks}}, year = 2004, pages = {260--269}, address = {Sydney}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 8th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'04)} } @InProceedings{QMBW04, author = {Qiu, W. and Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Power efficient CDMA broadcast system doing without any channel knowledge at the receivers, a non-obvious modification of THP}}, year = 2004, pages = {793--799}, address = {Beijing}, booktitle = {Proc. Joint Conference of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications APCC 2004 / MDC 2004} } @InProceedings{MQW03, author = {Meurer, M. and Qiu, W. and Weber, T.}, title = {{An advanced approach to Joint Transmission: Design of energy efficient transmit signals by Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing}}, year = 2003, month = dec, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Workshop "Senderseitige Signalverarbeitung im Mobilfunk"} } @InProceedings{WM03e, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Influence of Channel estimation Errors on Joint Detection and Joint Transmission}}, year = 2003, month = dec, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Workshop "Senderseitige Signalverarbeitung im Mobilfunk"} } @InProceedings{WM03c, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Optimum Joint Transmission: Potentials and Dualities}}, year = 2003, volume = {1}, pages = {79--83}, month = oct, address = {Yokosuka}, booktitle = {Proc. 6th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'03)} } @InProceedings{WLMM03, author = {Weber, T. and Liu, Y. and Maniatis, I. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Performance of a Multiuser OFDM Mobile Radio System with Joint Detection}}, year = 2003, pages = {191--195}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 8th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'03)} } @InProceedings{WSLW03, author = {Weber, T. and Sklavos, A. and Liu, Y. and Weckerle, M.}, title = {{The Air Interface Concept JOINT for Beyond 3G Mobile Radio Networks}}, year = 2003, volume = {1}, pages = {25--33}, month = jul, address = {Calgary}, booktitle = {Proc. 15th International Conference on Wireless Communications (WIRELESS 2003)} } @InProceedings{MW03b, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{The soft symbol: soft quantization and higher-order modulation, a contradiction?}}, year = 2003, pages = {86--91}, month = jun, address = {Dresden}, booktitle = {Proc. 2. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{WM03b, author = {Weber, T. and Maniatis, I.}, title = {{Channel Knowledge: A Crucial Prerequisite for MIMO Transmission?}}, year = 2003, month = may, address = {Paris}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(03)083} } @InProceedings{WM03d, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Joint Detection and Joint Transmission - Unexpected Nondualities Concerning the Influence of Channel Estimation Errors}}, year = 2003, month = may, address = {Prague}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(03)152} } @InProceedings{MW03a, author = {Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Generalized data estimate refinement techniques for iterative multiuser detection in TD-CDMA including higher order modulation}}, year = 2003, volume = {1}, pages = {781--787}, month = feb, address = {Papeete}, booktitle = {Proc. 10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03)} } @InProceedings{WM03a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Potential of Optimum Joint Transmission}}, year = 2003, month = jan, address = {Erlangen}, booktitle = {Proc. 1. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie} } @InProceedings{WMS03, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Sklavos, A.}, title = {{Optimum Nonlinear Joint Transmission}}, year = 2003, month = jan, address = {Barcelona}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(03)008} } @InProceedings{JBMWH02, author = {J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and Haardt, M.}, title = {{Efficient Representation and Feedback Signaling of Channel State Information in Frequency Division Duplexing MIMO Systems}}, year = 2002, pages = {444--448}, month = oct, address = {Honolulu}, booktitle = {Proc. 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC'02)} } @InProceedings{JBMW02b, author = {J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Baier, P. W. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Cost efficient representation and signaling of channel information in MIMO systems}}, year = 2002, volume = {1}, pages = {175--179}, month = sep, address = {Vancouver}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'02-Fall)} } @InProceedings{MWSL02, author = {Maniatis, I. and Weber, T. and Sklavos, A. and Liu, Y.}, title = {{Pilots for Joint Channel Estimation in Multi-user OFDM Mobile Radio Systems}}, year = 2002, volume = {1}, pages = {44--48}, month = sep, address = {Prague}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 7th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'02)} } @InProceedings{MLWJB02, author = {Meurer, M. and Lu, Y. and Weber, T. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Blind channel estimation for time-slotted code division multiple access mobile radio systems}}, year = 2002, volume = {1}, pages = {49--53}, month = sep, address = {Prague}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 7th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'02)} } @InProceedings{SWBC02, author = {Sklavos, A. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W. and Costa, E.}, title = {{Beyond 3G radio interface JOINT: Optimum uplink data detection when applying OFDM}}, year = 2002, pages = {11--15}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'02)} } @InProceedings{WM02b, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Iterative Multiuser Detection for TD-CDMA Exploiting Data Estimate Refinement Techniques}}, year = 2002, volume = {3}, pages = {1642--1646}, month = sep, address = {Vancouver}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 56th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'02-Fall)} } @InProceedings{WMSL02, author = {Weber, T. and Maniatis, I. and Sklavos, A. and Liu, Y.}, title = {{Joint transmission and detection integrated network (JOINT), a generic proposal for beyond 3G systems}}, year = 2002, volume = {3}, pages = {479--483}, month = jun, address = {Beijing}, booktitle = {Proc. 9th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'02)} } @InProceedings{SWLM02, author = {Sklavos, A. and Weber, T. and Liu, Y. and Maniatis, I.}, title = {{A spreading scheme including combined spectral and temporal spreading for OFDM systems with joint detection}}, year = 2002, volume = {2}, pages = {575--579}, month = may, address = {Birmingham}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 55th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'02-Spring)} } @InProceedings{WM02a, author = {Weber, T. and Meurer, M.}, title = {{Turbo multiuser detection for TD-CDMA}}, year = 2002, volume = {45}, pages = {159--164}, address = {Kleinheubach}, booktitle = {Kleinheubacher Berichte} } @InProceedings{SWM01, author = {Sklavos, A. and Weber, T. and Maniatis, I.}, title = {{Interference Suppression in Multi-User OFDM Systems by Antenna Diversity and Joint Detection}}, year = 2001, month = oct, address = {Bologna}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(01)020} } @InProceedings{SMWB01, author = {Sklavos, A. and Maniatis, I. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Joint channel estimation in multi-user OFDM systems}}, year = 2001, pages = {3--1--3--4}, month = sep, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {Proc. 6th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'01)} } @InProceedings{BJW01a, author = {Baier, P. W. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Review of TD-CDMA}}, year = 2001, pages = {11--20}, month = aug, address = {Linz}, booktitle = {Proc. 3rd International Workshop on Commercial Radio Sensors and Communications Techniques (CRSCT 2001)} } @InProceedings{MJWT01, author = {Meurer, M. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Weber, T. and Tr{\"o}ger, H.}, title = {{A novel approach to multi user detection for high-data-rate applications in CDMA downlinks}}, year = 2001, volume = {1}, pages = {74--83}, month = jul, address = {Calgary}, booktitle = {Proc. 13th International Conference on Wireless Communications (WIRELESS 2001)} } @InProceedings{WO01, author = {Weber, T. and Oster, J.}, title = {{Hard- and Soft-Decision Multi-Step Joint Detection for TD-CDMA}}, year = 2001, pages = {347--350}, month = jul, address = {Tokyo}, booktitle = {Proc. 2001 URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics (ISSSE'01)} } @InProceedings{MTWB01b, author = {Meurer, M. and Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{Synthesis of Joint Detection (JD) and Joint Transmission (JT) in CDMA}}, year = 2001, month = may, address = {Brussels}, booktitle = {COST 273 TD(01)003} } @InProceedings{BJW01b, author = {Baier, P. W. and J{\"o}tten, C. A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Recent Progress of Time Slotted CDMA}}, year = 2001, pages = {250--259}, address = {Tehran}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Telecommunications (IST 2001)} } @InProceedings{TWMB01a, author = {Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Weber, T. and Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{A Novel Performance Evaluation Technique for Joint Transmission Multiuser Downlinks with Multi-Element Transmit Antennas}}, year = 2001, pages = {121--125}, address = {Schlo{\ss} Reisensburg / Ulm}, booktitle = {Proc. COST 262 Workshop Multiuser Detection in Spread Spectrum Communications} } @InProceedings{BMWT00, author = {Baier, P. W. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Tr{\"o}ger, H.}, title = {{Joint Transmission (JT), an alternative rationale for the downlink of Time Division CDMA using multi-element transmit antennas}}, year = 2000, volume = {1}, pages = {1--5}, month = sep, address = {Parsippany}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 6th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'00)} } @InProceedings{BW00, author = {Baier, P. W. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Potential of adaptive antennas for mobile radio applications}}, year = 2000, volume = {2}, pages = {179--186}, month = sep, address = {Hannover}, booktitle = {Proc. VDE World Microtechnologies Congress (MICRO.tec 2000)} } @InProceedings{PMWB00, author = {Papathanassiou, A. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W.}, title = {{A Novel Multiuser Transmission Scheme Requiring No Channel Estimation and No Equalization at the Mobile Stations for the Downlink of TD-CDMA Operating in the TDD Mode}}, year = 2000, volume = {1}, pages = {203--210}, month = sep, address = {Boston}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 52th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'00-Fall)} } @InProceedings{HMW00, author = {Tr{\"o}ger, H. and Meurer, M. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Adaptive Antennas for the TD-CDMA downlink utilizing the novel concept joint transmission}}, year = 2000, pages = {37--40}, month = sep, address = {Starnberg}, booktitle = {Proc. ITG Diskussionssitzung Antennen f{\"u}r mobile Systeme 2000} } @InProceedings{WWBO00a, author = {Weckerle, M. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W. and Oster, J.}, title = {{Space-Time Signal Processing utilizing Multi-Step Joint Detection for the Uplink of time Division CDMA}}, year = 2000, volume = {2}, pages = {1330--1335}, month = aug, address = {Beijing}, booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Communication Technologies} } @InProceedings{WWBO00c, author = {Weckerle, M. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W. and Oster, J.}, title = {{Multi-Step Joint Detection for the Uplink of Time Division CDMA with Adaptive Antennas}}, year = 2000, pages = {193--199}, month = aug, address = {M{\"u}nchen}, booktitle = {Proc. DFG Schwerpunktprogramm Mobilkommunikation, Abschlu{\ss}kolloquium} } @InProceedings{MBLPW00, author = {Meurer, M. and Baier, P. W. and Lu, Y. and Papathanassiou, A. and Weber, T.}, title = {{TD-CDMA Downlink: Optimum Transmit Signal Design Reduces Receiver Complexity and Enhances System Performance}}, year = 2000, volume = {1}, pages = {300--305}, month = may, address = {Acapulco}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'00)} } @InProceedings{WBOW00, author = {Weber, T. and Baier, P. W. and Oster, J. and Weckerle, M.}, title = {{Performance Enhancement of Time Division CDMA (TD-CDMA) by Multi-Step Joint Detection}}, year = 2000, volume = {2}, pages = {1038--1044}, month = may, address = {Acapulco}, booktitle = {Proc. 7th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'00)} } @InProceedings{WWBO00b, author = {Weckerle, M. and Weber, T. and Baier, P. W. and Oster, J.}, title = {{Adaptive Array Processing for Time Division CDMA utilizing Multi-Step Joint Detection}}, year = 2000, month = jan, address = {Valencia}, booktitle = {COST 259 TD(00)002} } @InProceedings{MSW98, author = {Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Handoff Protocols in JD-CDMA}}, year = 1998, volume = {1}, pages = {355--359}, month = sep, address = {Boston}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 9th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'98)} } @InProceedings{BW98b, author = {Baier, P. W. and Weber, T.}, title = {{CDMA for UMTS and IMT-2000}}, year = 1998, month = jul, address = {Calgary}, booktitle = {Proc. 10th International Conference on Wireless Communications (WIRELESS 1998)} } @InProceedings{BEMSW98, author = {Bahrenburg, S. and Euscher, C. and Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Fading Simulator Measurements with a TD-CDMA Hardware Demonstrator}}, year = 1998, volume = {3}, pages = {12--16}, month = jun, address = {Porto Carras}, booktitle = {Proc. 5th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'98)} } @InProceedings{BW98a, author = {Baier, P. W. and Weber, T.}, title = {{CDMA for UMTS and IMT-2000}}, year = 1998, pages = {1.6.1--1.6.10}, month = jun, address = {Shanghai}, booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Personal, Mobile Radio and Spread Spectrum Communications (IPMSC'98)} } @InProceedings{BMSW98b, author = {Bahrenburg, S. and Euscher, C. and Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{JD-CDMA Mobile Station Envelope Characteristics and Spectra Results from a JD-CDMA testbed}}, year = 1998, volume = {3}, pages = {2316--2320}, month = may, address = {Ottawa}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 48th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'98)} } @InProceedings{BWW98, author = {Baier, P. W. and Weber, T. and Weckerle, M.}, title = {{Spreading Techniques and Applications}}, year = 1998, pages = {1--9}, month = mar, address = {Tokyo}, booktitle = {Proc. International Symposium on Power-line Communications and its Applications} } @InProceedings{BMSW97, author = {Bahrenburg, S. and Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Verifikation von Simulationsergebnissen eines Joint-Detection-CDMA (JD-CDMA) Mobilfunksystems mit Hilfe eines Hardware Demonstrators}}, year = 1998, volume = {41}, pages = {344--349}, address = {Kleinheubach}, booktitle = {Kleinheubacher Berichte} } @InProceedings{SWMB97, author = {Schlee, J. and Weber, T. and Mayer, J. and Bahrenburg, S.}, title = {{Realisierung eines Hardware-Demonstrators f{\"u}r das Luftschnittstellenkonzept Joint-Detection-CDMA}}, year = 1998, volume = {41}, pages = {335--343}, address = {Kleinheubach}, booktitle = {Kleinheubacher Berichte} } @InProceedings{Web97, author = {Weber, T.}, title = {{Implementierungsaspekte des Mobilfunkkonzepts Joint Detection CDMA auf Mikroprozessoren}}, year = 1997, month = oct, address = {N{\"u}rnberg}, booktitle = {Proc. ITG Diskussionssitzung "M{\"o}glichkeiten und Grenzen digitaler Signalverarbeitung in Funksystemen"} } @InProceedings{MSW97a, author = {Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Protocol and Signalling Aspects of Joint Detection CDMA}}, year = 1997, volume = {3}, pages = {867--871}, month = sep, address = {Helsinki}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 8th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'97)} } @InProceedings{MSW97b, author = {Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Realtime Feasibility of Joint Detection CDMA}}, year = 1997, pages = {245--252}, month = sep, address = {Bonn}, booktitle = {Proc. 2nd European Personal Mobile Communications Conference (EPMCC'97)} } @InProceedings{BMSW98a, author = {Bahrenburg, S. and Mayer, J. and Schlee, J. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Outdoor Measurements with a TD(Time Division)-CDMA Hardware Demonstrator}}, year = 1996, volume = {2}, pages = {625--629}, month = sep, address = {Sun City}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 5th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques \& Applications (ISSSTA'98)} } @PhdThesis{AlShatri2014, author = {Al-Shatri, H.}, title = {{Interference Reduction in Multiuser Relay Networks}}, year = 2014, month = apr, url = {http://rosdok.uni-rostock.de/file/rosdok_disshab_0000001162/rosdok_derivate_0000005295/Dissertation_Al-Shatri_2014.pdf}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock} } @PhdThesis{Palleit2011, author = {Palleit, N.}, title = {{Kanalpr{\"a}diktion in Mehrantennensystemen}}, year = 2011, month = oct, url = {http://rosdok.uni-rostock.de/file/rosdok_disshab_0000000723/rosdok_derivate_0000004713/Dissertation_Palleit_2011.pdf}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock} } @PhdThesis{Wei2011, author = {Wei, X.}, title = {{Cooperative Communications with Partial Channel State Information in Mobile Radio Systems}}, year = 2011, month = mar, url = {http://rosdok.uni-rostock.de/file/rosdok_disshab_0000000633/rosdok_derivate_0000004590/Dissertation_Wei_2011.pdf}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock} } @PhdThesis{Deng2009, author = {Deng, S.}, title = {{Resource Allocation in Service Area based Networks}}, year = 2009, month = mar, url = {http://rosdok.uni-rostock.de/file/rosdok_disshab_0000000224/rosdok_derivate_0000003875/Dissertation_Deng_2009.pdf}, school = {Universit{\"a}t Rostock} } @PhdThesis{Web00, author = {Weber, T.}, title = {{Signalverarbeitungskonzepte f{\"u}r Mobilfunksysteme der dritten Generation, gezeigt am Beispiel eines JD-CDMA-Mobilfunksystems}}, year = 2000, volume = {4}, address = {Universit{\"a}t Kaiserslautern}, school = {Lehrstuhl f{\"u}r hochfrequente Signal{\"u}bertragung und -verarbeitung} } @Misc{Wei2009b, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T.}, title = {{Partial Channel-State Information in Cooperative Transmission}}, year = 2009, month = feb, address = {Erlangen}, booktitle = {DFG-Kolloquium: Techniken, Algorithmen und Konzepte f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige COFDM Systeme (TakeOFDM)} } @Misc{Wei2008, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Intercell interference cancellation with partial channel state information}}, year = 2008, month = feb, address = {Hamburg}, booktitle = {DFG-Kolloquium: Techniken, Algorithmen und Konzepte f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige COFDM Systeme (TakeOFDM)} } @Misc{WWA07b, author = {Wei, X. and Weber, T. and Ahrens, A.}, title = {{Interzelleninterferenzreduktion mit verteilter Signalverarbeitung}}, year = 2007, month = feb, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {DFG-Kolloquium: Techniken, Algorithmen und Konzepte f{\"u}r zuk{\"u}nftige COFDM Systeme (TakeOFDM)} }