# This BibTeX File has been generated by # the Typo3 extension 'Sixpack-4-T3 by Sixten Boeck' # (customized by Stephan Lange) # # URL: # Date: 02/11/2025 @Article{Wierstorf13:JAES, author = {Wierstorf, H. and Raake, A. and Geier, M. and Spors, S.}, title = {{Perception of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis}}, journal = {Journal of the Audio Engineering Society}, year = 2013, volume = {61}, number = {1/2}, pages = {5--16}, month = jan, url = {https://www.int.uni-rostock.de/fileadmin/user_upload/publications/spors/2013/Wierstorf_et_al_JAES_focused_sources.pdf} }