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Suche nach Veröffentlichung:
Müller-Graf, F.; Merz, J.; Bandorf, T.; Albus, C. F.; Henkel, M.; Krukewitt, L.; Kühn, V.; Reuter, S.; Vollmar, B.; Pulletz, S.; Böhm, S. H.; Reuter, D. A.; Zitzmann, A.:
Correlation of Pulse Wave Transit Time with Pulmonary Artery Pressure in a Porcine Model of Pulmonary Hypertension. In: Biomedicines, Bd. 9, Nr. 9 (9/2021)
Correlation of Pulse Wave Transit Time with Pulmonary Artery Pressure in a Porcine Model of Pulmonary Hypertension. In: Biomedicines, Bd. 9, Nr. 9 (9/2021)
Gierend, K.; Krüger, F.; Waltemath, D.; Fünfgeld, M.; Zeleke, A. A.; Ganslandt, T.:
Approaches and Criteria for Provenance in Biomedical Data Sets and Workflows: a Scoping Review Protocol. In: JMIR Research Protocols (9/2021)
Approaches and Criteria for Provenance in Biomedical Data Sets and Workflows: a Scoping Review Protocol. In: JMIR Research Protocols (9/2021)
Hahn, N.; Schultz, F.; Spors, S.:
Time Domain Sampling of the Radial Functions in Spherical Harmonics Expansions. In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Bd. 69 (6/2021), S. 4502-4512
Time Domain Sampling of the Radial Functions in Spherical Harmonics Expansions. In: IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Bd. 69 (6/2021), S. 4502-4512
Steiner, S.; Kühn, V.; Stark, M.; Bauch, G.:
Reduced-Complexity Optimization of Distributed Quantization using the Information Bottleneck Principle. In: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Bd. 2 (5/2021), S. 1267-1278
Reduced-Complexity Optimization of Distributed Quantization using the Information Bottleneck Principle. In: IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, Bd. 2 (5/2021), S. 1267-1278
Büscher, N.; Gis, D.; Kühn, V.; Haubelt, C.:
On the Functional and Extra-Functional Properties of IMU Fusion Algorithms for Body-Worn Smart Sensors. In: Sensors, Bd. 21, Nr. 8 (4/2021)
ISSN: 1424-8220, doi:10.3390/s21082747
On the Functional and Extra-Functional Properties of IMU Fusion Algorithms for Body-Worn Smart Sensors. In: Sensors, Bd. 21, Nr. 8 (4/2021)
ISSN: 1424-8220, doi:10.3390/s21082747
Damaschke, N.; Kühn, V.; Nobach, H.:
Bias correction for direct spectral estimation from irregularly sampled data including sampling schemes with correlation. In: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (1/2021)
Bias correction for direct spectral estimation from irregularly sampled data including sampling schemes with correlation. In: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (1/2021)
Dilling, H.; Krüger, F.:
Ritual, Emotion, and Materiality in the Early Christian World. Kap. Water rites as structuring Elements in ancient Meals. An Examination of the Footwashing in John 12 and 13, S. 19, Routledge, 2021
Ritual, Emotion, and Materiality in the Early Christian World. Kap. Water rites as structuring Elements in ancient Meals. An Examination of the Footwashing in John 12 and 13, S. 19, Routledge, 2021
Beiträge zu Sammlungen:
Al-Suadi, S.; Krüger, F.:
Redaktionskritik reconsidered. Al-Suadi, S.; Ulshöfer, G. (Hrsg.): Biblical Texts in Digitalization., Tübingen University Press, 2021
Redaktionskritik reconsidered. Al-Suadi, S.; Ulshöfer, G. (Hrsg.): Biblical Texts in Digitalization., Tübingen University Press, 2021
Bailon, D. N.; Freudenberger, J.; Kühn, V.:
Constant-weight convolutional codes for index modulation. 25th International Workshop on Smart Antennas, Nice, France, 2021
Constant-weight convolutional codes for index modulation. 25th International Workshop on Smart Antennas, Nice, France, 2021
Schindler, D.; Bensmann, F.; Dietze, S.; Krüger, F.:
SoMeSci - A 5 Star Open Data Gold Standard Knowledge Graph of Software Mentions in Scientific Articles. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '21), Virtual Event, QLD, Australia, 2021
SoMeSci - A 5 Star Open Data Gold Standard Knowledge Graph of Software Mentions in Scientific Articles. Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '21), Virtual Event, QLD, Australia, 2021
Hahn, N.; Ahrens, J.; Andersson, C.:
Parametric Array Using Amplitude Modulated Pulse Trains: Experimental Evaluation of Beamforming and Single Sideband Modulation. 151st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 2021
Parametric Array Using Amplitude Modulated Pulse Trains: Experimental Evaluation of Beamforming and Single Sideband Modulation. 151st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, 2021
Hahn, N.; Schultz, F.; Spors, S.:
Higher-Order Anti-Derivatives of Band Limited Step Functions for the Design of Radial Filters in Spherical Harmonics Expansions. 24th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), S. 184-190, Vienna, Austria, 2021
Higher-Order Anti-Derivatives of Band Limited Step Functions for the Design of Radial Filters in Spherical Harmonics Expansions. 24th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx), S. 184-190, Vienna, Austria, 2021
Nobach, H.; Damaschke, N.; Kühn, V.:
Korrelations- und Spektralschätzung aus LDA-Daten - ein genauerer Blick. Fachtagung Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, Bremen, Germany, 2021
Korrelations- und Spektralschätzung aus LDA-Daten - ein genauerer Blick. Fachtagung Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, Bremen, Germany, 2021
Spors, S.; Völzer, K.; Bader, R.; Klüß, D.:
Data-driven analysis of structure borne sound for the detection of hip-stem implant loosening. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Data-driven analysis of structure borne sound for the detection of hip-stem implant loosening. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Hahne, W.; Spors, S.:
On the perceptual difference of correlated and uncorrelated measurement noise in binaural room impulse responses. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
On the perceptual difference of correlated and uncorrelated measurement noise in binaural room impulse responses. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Schröder, M.; Hahne, W.; Krüger, F.; Spors, S.:
Reproducibility of an ABX-Listening Test using Electronic Documentation and Automation: A case study. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Reproducibility of an ABX-Listening Test using Electronic Documentation and Automation: A case study. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Hahn, N.; Schultz, F.; Spors, S.:
Spatio-temporal Properties of Simulated Impulse Responses on a Rigid Sphere. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), S. 836–839, Vienna, Austria, 2021
Spatio-temporal Properties of Simulated Impulse Responses on a Rigid Sphere. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), S. 836–839, Vienna, Austria, 2021
Schultz, F.; Spors, S.:
The adjoint approach using euler equations for sound field synthesis using non-smooth arrays. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
The adjoint approach using euler equations for sound field synthesis using non-smooth arrays. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Vienna, Austria, 2021
Steiner, S.; Kühn, V.; Stark, M.; Bauch, G.:
Reduced-Complexity Greedy Distributed Information Bottleneck Algorithm. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2021
Reduced-Complexity Greedy Distributed Information Bottleneck Algorithm. IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2021