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Forschungsgruppe Funkkommunikation - Veröffentlichungen
Suche nach Veröffentlichung:
Khan, A.; Fricke, J. Ch.; Hoeher, P. A.:
Throughput improvement by reliability-dependent layer allocation in IDM. In: IET Electronics Letters, Bd. 44, Nr. 16 (7/2008), S. 958-960
ISSN: 0013-5194
Throughput improvement by reliability-dependent layer allocation in IDM. In: IET Electronics Letters, Bd. 44, Nr. 16 (7/2008), S. 958-960
ISSN: 0013-5194
Ahrens, A.; Ng, S. X.; Kühn, V.; Hanzo, L.:
Modulation-mode assignment for SVD-aided and BICM-assisted spatial division multiplexing. In: Physical Communication, Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (3/2008), S. 60-66
Modulation-mode assignment for SVD-aided and BICM-assisted spatial division multiplexing. In: Physical Communication, Bd. 1, Nr. 1 (3/2008), S. 60-66
Wei, X.; Weber, T.:
MMSE Detection based on Noise Statistics with Random Noise Variance. Proc. IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'08-Fall), Calgary, Canada, 2008
MMSE Detection based on Noise Statistics with Random Noise Variance. Proc. IEEE 68th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'08-Fall), Calgary, Canada, 2008
Wei, X.; Weber, T.; Kühne, A.; Klein, A.:
Optimum MMSE Detection with Correlated Random Noise Variance in OFDM Systems. Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08), S. 138-142, Hamburg, 2008
Optimum MMSE Detection with Correlated Random Noise Variance in OFDM Systems. Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08), S. 138-142, Hamburg, 2008
Kühne, A.; Klein, A.; Wei, X.; Weber, T.:
Transmit Antenna Selection with imperfect CQI feedback in Multi-user OFDMA systems. Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08), S. 256-260, Hamburg, 2008
Transmit Antenna Selection with imperfect CQI feedback in Multi-user OFDMA systems. Proc. 13th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'08), S. 256-260, Hamburg, 2008
Palleit, N.; Weber, T.:
Frequency Shift of the Channel Impulse Response in MIMO-FDD-Systems. 1st COST2100 Workshop "MIMO and Cooperative Communications", Trondheim, 2008
Frequency Shift of the Channel Impulse Response in MIMO-FDD-Systems. 1st COST2100 Workshop "MIMO and Cooperative Communications", Trondheim, 2008
Deng, S.; Weber, T.; Ahrens, A.:
Power Allocation in Service Area Interference Channels. Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'08), Darmstadt, 2008
Power Allocation in Service Area Interference Channels. Proc. International ITG/IEEE Workshop on Smart Antennas (WSA'08), Darmstadt, 2008
Ahrens, A.; Kühn, V.; Weber, T.:
Iterative Detection for Spatial Multiplexing with Adaptive Power Allocation. 7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding, Ulm, Germany, 2008
Iterative Detection for Spatial Multiplexing with Adaptive Power Allocation. 7th International ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding, Ulm, Germany, 2008