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Forschungsgruppe Funkkommunikation - Veröffentlichungen
Suche nach Veröffentlichung:
Meurer, M.; Weber, T.:
On the impact of imperfect channel knowledge on transmit zero forcing based receiver oriented multi-user MIMO transmission. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2004)
On the impact of imperfect channel knowledge on transmit zero forcing based receiver oriented multi-user MIMO transmission. In: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2004)
Beiträge zu Sammlungen:
Baier, P. W.; Jötten, C. A.; Meurer, M.; Weber, T.; Weckerle, M.; Tröger, H.; Lu, Y.; Oster, J.:
Recent Progress in Time Slotted CDMA. Ma, Jian-Guo (Hrsg.): Third Generation Communication Systems. Kap. 5, S. 121-164, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Recent Progress in Time Slotted CDMA. Ma, Jian-Guo (Hrsg.): Third Generation Communication Systems. Kap. 5, S. 121-164, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 2004
Meurer, M.; Weber, T.; Qiu, W.:
A random matrix approach to performance evaluation of receiver-oriented transmission. Proc. 4. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Kiel, 2004
A random matrix approach to performance evaluation of receiver-oriented transmission. Proc. 4. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Kiel, 2004
Jötten, C. A.; Baier, P. W.; Meurer, M.; Heilmann, S.; Weber, T.; Maurer, J.:
Reduced complexity signature based mobile terminal location relying on the knowledge of directional channel impulse responses. Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall), Bd. 5, S. 3550-3554, Los Angeles, 2004
Reduced complexity signature based mobile terminal location relying on the knowledge of directional channel impulse responses. Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall), Bd. 5, S. 3550-3554, Los Angeles, 2004
Liu, Y.; Weber, T.; Zirwas, W.:
Uplink Performance of a Service Area Based Multiuser Mobile Radio System. Proc. 9th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'04), S. 17-21, Dresden, 2004
Uplink Performance of a Service Area Based Multiuser Mobile Radio System. Proc. 9th International OFDM-Workshop (InOWo'04), S. 17-21, Dresden, 2004
Meurer, M.; Baier, P. W.; Weber, T.; Jötten, C. A.; Heilmann, S.:
SPIDER: Enhanced distance based localization of mobile radio terminals. Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall), Bd. 5, S. 3521-3525, Los Angeles, 2004
SPIDER: Enhanced distance based localization of mobile radio terminals. Proc. IEEE 60th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Fall), Bd. 5, S. 3521-3525, Los Angeles, 2004
Weber, T.; Meurer, M.; Zirwas, W.:
Low Complexity Energy Efficient Joint Transmission for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks. Proc. 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'04), Bd. 2, S. 1095-1099, Barcelona, 2004
Low Complexity Energy Efficient Joint Transmission for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks. Proc. 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'04), Bd. 2, S. 1095-1099, Barcelona, 2004
Weber, T.; Meurer, M.:
Imperfect Channel State Information in MIMO-Transmission. Proc. IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Spring), Bd. 2, S. 693-697, Milan, 2004
Imperfect Channel State Information in MIMO-Transmission. Proc. IEEE 59th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'04-Spring), Bd. 2, S. 693-697, Milan, 2004
Weber, T.; Meurer, M.; Zirwas, W.:
A MIMO based OFDM system concept for beyond 3G mobile radio systems. COST 273 TD(04)084, Gothenburg, 2004
A MIMO based OFDM system concept for beyond 3G mobile radio systems. COST 273 TD(04)084, Gothenburg, 2004
Weber, T.; Meurer, M.:
An information theory based approach to localization. Proc. 3. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Ulm, 2004
An information theory based approach to localization. Proc. 3. Diskussionssitzung der ITG-Fachgruppe Angewandte Informationstheorie, Ulm, 2004
Schulz, E.; Weckerle, M.; Weber, T.; Meurer, M.:
The OFDM based beyond 3G air interface JOINT featuring interference reduction by joint detection and joint transmission. Proc. 8th WWRF Meeting, Beijing, 2004
The OFDM based beyond 3G air interface JOINT featuring interference reduction by joint detection and joint transmission. Proc. 8th WWRF Meeting, Beijing, 2004
Maniatis, I.; Weber, T.:
Channel Estimation with Array Antennas in OFDM based Mobile Radio Systems. COST 273 TD(04)009, Athens, 2004
Channel Estimation with Array Antennas in OFDM based Mobile Radio Systems. COST 273 TD(04)009, Athens, 2004
Meurer, M.; Weber, T.:
Imperfect channel knowledge: An insurmountable barrier in Rx oriented multi-user MIMO transmission?. Proc. 5th ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC'04), S. 371-379, Erlangen, 2004
Imperfect channel knowledge: An insurmountable barrier in Rx oriented multi-user MIMO transmission?. Proc. 5th ITG Conference on Source and Channel Coding (SCC'04), S. 371-379, Erlangen, 2004
Weber, T.; Meurer, M.:
Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks. COST 273 TD(04)008, Athens, 2004
Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing for OFDM Multiuser Downlinks. COST 273 TD(04)008, Athens, 2004
Meurer, M.; Baier, P. W.; Weber, T.; Jötten, C. A.; Heilmann, S.:
Smart Position Identification Rationale (SPIDER), an enhanced distance based conception for locating mobile radio terminals. Proc. VDE-Kongress 2004, S. 53-58, Berlin, 2004
Smart Position Identification Rationale (SPIDER), an enhanced distance based conception for locating mobile radio terminals. Proc. VDE-Kongress 2004, S. 53-58, Berlin, 2004
Meurer, M.; Weber, T.; Qiu, W.:
Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing: Energy Efficient Receiver Oriented Transmission in MIMO CDMA Mobile Radio Downlinks. Proc. IEEE 8th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications (ISSSTA'04), S. 260-269, Sydney, 2004
Transmit Nonlinear Zero Forcing: Energy Efficient Receiver Oriented Transmission in MIMO CDMA Mobile Radio Downlinks. Proc. IEEE 8th International Symposium on Spread Spectrum Techniques & Applications (ISSSTA'04), S. 260-269, Sydney, 2004
Qiu, W.; Meurer, M.; Baier, P. W.; Weber, T.:
Power efficient CDMA broadcast system doing without any channel knowledge at the receivers, a non-obvious modification of THP. Proc. Joint Conference of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications APCC 2004 / MDC 2004, S. 793-799, Beijing, 2004
Power efficient CDMA broadcast system doing without any channel knowledge at the receivers, a non-obvious modification of THP. Proc. Joint Conference of 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications and 5th International Symposium on Multi-Dimensional Mobile Communications APCC 2004 / MDC 2004, S. 793-799, Beijing, 2004