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Research Group Signal Processing and Virtual Acoustics

The research group Signal Processing and Virtual Acoustics focuses on audio signal processing, virtual acoustics and psychoacoustics in research and education. Novel approches for the analysis and synthesis of spatial sound fields and their evaluation are of special interest. The research topics are focussed around the analysis of sound fields by spherical microphone arrays, binaural synthesis, synthesis of sound fields (Wave Field Synthesis, Higher-Order Ambisonics), perception of synthetic sound fields and (Real-time) implementation of algorithms for the analysis and synthesis of sound fields. More information on our activities can be found on the pages of the research group.
Research Areas
- Analysis of sound fields by spherical microphone arrays
- Binaural synthesis
- Synthesis of sound fields (Wave Field Synthesis, Higher-Order Ambisonics)
- Perception of synthetic sound fields
- (Real-time) Implementation of algorithms for the analysis and synthesis of sound fields
Further Information
- News can be found in our research BLOG --