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Dr.-Ing. Matthias Geier

Matthias Geier

Personal Data

Former Research Assistant/PhD Student

Research Group: Signal Processing and Virtual Acoustics

Spatial Audio Blog:


Matthias Geier received his PhD from the University of Rostock in 2024. From 2012 to 2016 he was working as a research assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at our institute. From 2007 to 2012 Matthias Geier was working as a research assistant (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the Quality and Usability Lab of Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin. He studied Electrical Engineering/Sound Engineering at University of Technology and University of Music and Dramatic Arts in Graz, Austria. He received his diploma degree (Diplom-Ingenieur) in 2006.

Publications of Matthias Geier


Avni, A.; Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Spors, S.; Rafaely, B.:
Spatial perception of sound fields recorded by spherical microphone arrays with varying spatial resolution. In: Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA), vol. 133, no. 5 (5/2013), pp. 2711-2721
Wierstorf, H.; Raake, A.; Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Perception of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis. In: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 61, no. 1/2 (1/2013), pp. 5-16
Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Spors, S.:
Object-based Audio Reproduction and the Audio Scene Description Format. In: Organized Sound, vol. 15, no. 3 (2010), pp. 219-227

Contributions to Collections:

Geier, M.; Spors, S.; Weinzierl, S.:
The Future of Audio Reproduction: Technology - Formats - Applications. Detyniecki, M.; Leiner, U.; Nürnberger, A. (ed.): Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Identifying, Summarizing, and Recommending Image and Music. pp. 1-17, Springer, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-642-14757-9

Contributions to Proceedings:

Winter, F.; Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Hahn, N.; Schultz, F.; Spors, S.:
Open Source Sound Field Synthesis Toolbox. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Rostock, Germany, 2019
Spors, S.; Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Winter, F.; Hahn, N.; Schultz, F.:
Software Tools and Workflows for Open Science. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Rostock, Germany, 2019
Ahrens, J.; Geier, M.; Bartz, P.; Spors, S.:
The Interactive SoundScape Renderer for Loudspeaker- and Headphone-Based Spatial Sound Presentation. ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017
Geier, M.; Carpentier, T.; Noisternig, M.; Warusfel, O.:
Software tools for object-based audio production using the Audio Definition Model (ITU-R Recommendation BS.2076). 4th International Conference on Spatial Audio (ICSA), Graz, Austria, 2017
Erbes, V.; Geier, M.; Wierstorf, H.; Spors, S.:
Free database of low-frequency corrected head-related transfer functions and headphone compensation filters. 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, Germany, 2017
Wierstorf, H.; Spors, S.; Geier, M.:
Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis, Reproduzierbarkeit und praktische Lösungen in der Akustik. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Kiel, Germany, 2017
Spors, S.; Geier, M.; Wierstorf, H.:
Towards Open Science in Acoustics: Foundations and Best Practices. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), pp. 218-221, Kiel, Germany, 2017
Erbes, V.; Geier, M.; Weinzierl, S.; Spors, S.:
Database of single-channel and binaural room impulse responses of a 64-channel loudspeaker array. 138th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Warsaw, Poland, 2015
Mueller, J.; Geier, M.; Dicke, C.; Spors, S.:
The BoomRoom: Mid-air Direct Interaction with Virtual Sound Sources. CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Toronto, Canada, 2014
Weiss, B.; Burkhardt, F.; Geier, M.:
Towards perceptual dimensions of speakers' voices: Eliciting individual descriptions. Workshop on Affective Social Speech Signals (WASSS 2013), Grenoble, France, 2013
Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Spatial Audio Reproduction with the SoundScape Renderer. 27th Tonmeistertagung - VDT International Convention, Cologne, Germany, 2012
Geier, M.; Hohn, T.; Spors, S.:
An Open Source C++ Framework for Multithreaded Realtime Multichannel Audio Applications. Linux Audio Conference, Stanford, USA, 2012
Spors, S.; Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.:
Comparison of Modal versus Delay-and-Sum Beamforming in the Context of Data-based Binaural Synthesis. 132nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Budapest, Hungary, 2012
Skowronek, J.; Raake, A.; Hoeldtke, K.; Geier, M.:
Speech Recordings for Systematic Assessment of Multi-party Conferencing. Forum Acusticum, Aalborg, Denmark, 2011
Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Raake, A.; Spors, S.:
A Free Database of Head Related Impulse Response Measurements in the Horizontal Plane with Multiple Distances. 130th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, UK, 2011
Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Reducing Artifacts of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis. 129th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Fransisco, UK, 2010
Raake, A.; Schlegel, C.; Hoeldtke, K.; Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.:
Listening and Conversational Quality of Spatial Audio Conferencing. 40th International AES Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 2010
Ahrens, J.; Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Perceptual Assessment of Delay Accuracy and Loudspeaker Misplacement in Wave Field Synthesis. 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, UK, 2010
Geier, M.; Wierstorf, H.; Ahrens, J.; Wechsung, I.; Raake, A.; Spors, S.:
Perceptual Evaluation of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis. 128th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, UK, 2010
Raake, A.; Schlegel, C.; Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.:
Hör- und Konversationstests zur Untersuchung der Vorteile Räumlicher Audiokonferenzen. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), pp. 1071-1072, Berlin, Germany, 2010
Ahrens, J.; Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Perceptual Comparison of Wave Field Synthesis Implemented with Integer and Fractional Delays. German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Berlin, Germany, 2010
ISBN: 978-3-9808659-8-2
Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
Conducting Psychoacoustic Experiments with the SoundScape Renderer. 9. ITG Fachtagung Sprachkommunikation, Bochum, Germany, 2010
Spors, S.; Wierstorf, H.; Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.:
Physical and Perceptual Properties of Focused Sources in Wave Field Synthesis. 127th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA, 2009
Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Spors, S.:
Binaural Monitoring of Massive Multichannel Sound Reproduction Systems using Model-based Rendering. NAG-DAGA International Conference on Acoustics, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 2009
Gierlich, H.-W.; Poschen, S.; Kettler, F.; Raake, A.; Spors, S.; Geier, M.:
Echo Perception in Wideband Telecommunication Scenarios - Comparison to E-model's Narrowband Echo Findings. ITU-T workshop on 'From Speech to Audio: bandwidth extension, binaural perception', Lannion, France, 2008
Kendall, G.; Peters, N.; Geier, M.:
Towards an Interchange Format for Spatial Audio Scenes. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, UK, 2008
Geier, M.; Spors, S.:
ASDF: Audio Scene Description Format. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), Belfast, UK, 2008
Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Spors, S.:
The SoundScape Renderer: A Unified Spatial Audio Reproduction Framework for Arbitrary Rendering Methods. 124th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2008
Bredies, K.; Mann, N. A.; Ahrens, J.; Geier, M.; Spors, S.; Nischt, M.:
The Multi-Touch SoundScape Renderer. 9th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Napoli, Italy, 2008
Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Spors, S.:
ASDF: Ein XML Format zur Beschreibung von virtuellen 3D-Audioszenen. 34rd German Annual Conference on Acoustics (DAGA), Dresden, Germany, 2008
Geier, M.; Ahrens, J.; Möhl, A.; Spors, S.; Loh, J.; Bredies, K.:
The Soundscape Renderer: A Versatile Framework for Spatial Audio Reproduction. Proceedings of the DEGA WFS Symposium, Ilmenau, Germany, 2007

PhD thesis:

Geier, M.:
Describing Three-Dimensional Movements in an Audio Scene Authoring Format. Universität Rostock, 2023